Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

How to Cure Headaches

Headache is a pain that occurs on the head caused by certain factors . Usually headaches occur for several reasons such as dehydration , stress , too much caffeine , skipping meals , overtime , and much more .

Because of this pain has been experienced by many people of course , so this time I will share about some ways to cure headaches .

Multiply drinking water 

As already mentioned above , that one of the causes of headaches is dehydration or lack of fluids in the body and of course we all already know that water is an important component for the body . Because of this, I suggest if you get a headache , drink water immediately . To prevent dehydration , you should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day to avoid headaches

Eating potatoes

 In addition to dehydration , headaches turned out to be caused by loss of electrolytes such as potassium . How to prevent potassium deficiency is to consume foods rich in potassium one of which is potatoes . My advice , which should be eaten the potatoes baked or boiled ( not fried )

On iceThe way is easy . We just need to rub / mengkompreskan ice cubes slowly in the area of your head feel sick Ice cube function here is to reduce the pain in the head because the ice cubes can cause numbness in the affected area headache .

Drinking coffee 

" Something that was not a good exaggeration " , it looks like you 've heard this one sentence . Likewise with coffee , if we consume coffee are reasonable, it can have an impact on how you feel headache . Because , the caffeine content in coffee 40 % more effective in treating headaches . But , do not consume too much coffee can lead to head pain again .

Consuming fish

Consuming fish actually can also relieve headaches you experience . This is due , which contains a lot of fatty fish such as salmon , mackerel or tuna are rich in omega 3 and essential fatty acids may prevent inflammation that can lead to migarain.

Doing Streching

Stretching is stretching movements ( gymnastics ) . Headaches can also be caused by tense muscles . So , if you have a headache , try doing gymnastic movements , or it could be by doing yoga.

Avoid strees 

Not infrequently , the head can also be caused by strees . Stress causes the muscles or nerves become tense  Therefore , spend some of your time to do the refreshing .regular sleep.

Did you know that sleeping too long it was wrong , but the lack of sleep was also wrong , because it should be a normal sleep . You try to get enough sleep eg 7-8 hours so you avoid headaches .

Keyword : how to cure headaches, cure headaches, cure headaches without medication, natural headache cure

Cause of Headaches

Headache is a common disease that attacks you every day . When the headache attacks you , you will feel disturbed by pain . Even the usual activities you do every day can be very disturbed because of this one disease .

Therefore this time I will share about the causes of headaches are probably many who do not know oang . Let us refer to .

- Working too hard

Working hard is permissible , because to meet the needs . However , work very hard even to overtime every day can increase the risk of headache . Causes of headaches caused by working too hard can cause pressure on the nerve head . This pressure will make the hard neurotransmitter work by sending impulses to the blood vessels then dilate and cause headaches.

- Mobile

Why ? Why mobile phones can cause headaches ? It definitely you ask . Actually , the phone that is too long will cause the radiation used to generate heat and eventually it will interfere with the nerves of the head and cause you headaches.

- Argue

The debate that led to the anger will cause the muscles of the head and neck become tense tension tends to make you breathe oxygen terhirup short that became a bit . The lack of oxygen is what causes the blood vessels and cause headaches pinch.

- Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition when your body water shortage . The water you drink functioning supply of oxygen in the blood , including the blood flow to the brain . Therefore , you are expected not to become dehydrated because dehydration can cause tremendous headaches.

- Your Bag

You might carry bag can cause headaches . How so ? , Because you carry the bag will add to the burden and tension in the neck . That's what causes you headaches later

Decrease esterigen hormone that occurs during menstruation you will make your blood vessels dilate and the muscles go into spasm. This then causes headaches. An estimated 50-70% of women who had experienced menstrual migraine.

Headaches can also be caused because actually there is no money in the wallet or the loss of jobs alias fired . Hehehe .

Keyword : cause of headache, headaches, migrain