Senin, 23 Desember 2013

Causes of Stroke

Hello readers , this time I will share about the causes of stroke . Who does not know this one disease . This disease can be caused by several things . We consider first wrote .

A study published in the journal Stroke reveal that often experience anxiety can increase the risk of stroke . The higher the level of anxiety experienced , the higher the risk of stroke faced .

This study is the first to link between anxiety and stroke regardless of other factors such as observing depresi.Peneliti 6,019 people aged 25-74 years for 22 years . They did blood tests on the participants and interviewed them . Not only that , researchers also measured the anxiety levels and overall health of their bodies .

The result , they found that even moderate anxiety can also affect the risk of stroke . Some of the symptoms include frequent feeling anxious , stressed , nervous , and thought excessive . In addition , people who have high levels of anxiety are usually easier to have unhealthy habits such as smoking , not exercising and others associated with stroke . Another factor that can affect is the stress hormones, heart rate , and blood pressure  

" Everyone has felt anxious . However when anxiety is excessive and too high to severe , it may affect cardiovascular health in the long term , " said Maya Lambiase , researchers of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh .

Keyword :  cause of stroke, stroke symptoms, stroke
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